Monday, October 27, 2008

AR 40-501

Yet another amazing let down. I don't know why but sometimes I torture myself and go back and read that stupid paragraph in chapter 2 part 242.9 of AR 40-501 which is the Army Regulation entrance manual. It says that current or history of hyperthyroidism is DQing. Ugh! You have no idea how this upsets me! I just want to cry because I haven't quite figured out how to explain how badly I want to be in the Army, and so I don't think anyone can really understand how I feel. Yeah, maybe you do I'm not throwing the whole I'm alone in the world pity party, but it sucks. 

Yeah, leave a comment that tells me to get over it. Fine its not like I haven't tried over the past 4.5 years since I first got rejected. Why did I have to be the kid with the stupid friggen thyroid disorder???? It just makes me mad because it makes no sense. I had to be the stupid sick one, and than the one who desperately wanted what I can't have. I get to dress up in my pitiful little CAP uniform every week and play military for awhile when I know I'm not making a difference worth squat. I am just playing it because it is as close as I will ever get. Well I'm sick of this stupid nonsense. 

So yeah, I think I will never get over it. I will be a friggen civilian POG the rest of my life and there is nothing I can do about it. 


E. Chikeles said...

lol- those darn civilians, who wants to be one of those?!?

It does suck- maybe God has a plan though (maybe ha ha) and he'll use your desire for great things beyond you're imagination. Don't give up just yet... if you were accepted into regular army you would fall through the cracks and be a nobody in army clothes but maybe there is something special for you...

You should add the followers app. so that people can follow your blog easier. I bet you'd get more readers.

KaiCeder said...

Nope, not going to tell you to get over it. You already know my thoughts on this and I'm not going to change your mind with an logic that I could inject into the discussion. It's one of those things you'll have to learn on your own.

Oh, by the way, I found a place where you can order broomtree seeds...that might help the discussion move along. Lol!

I love you, sweet Melody, my beautiful CAP civilian.

Besides, if Obama gets in office and does away with the military as we know it the civilians just may be leading the way in the new war on terror in our midst. Think about that.

- Sarah :-) said...

It's alright, Mel... you're entitled to a pity party every now and then. As long as there is an end-time to the party, that is.

We all have something we pity-party about. Something we DESPERATELY want/wanted, and can't/couldn't have.

It sucks, huh? If only life weer simple...

- Sarah :-) said...

PS - who knows. Maybe you'll marry into the military, like I did, and get to supprt your hubby in his fight to save the world from ourselves. It's actually very cool - sounds lame, but it's really not.

...I'm just sayin'...