Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Dark Knight

I went and saw it tonight...ugh. I gave in after hearing that it was such a good movie with such a good moral message. Right...buried underneath a staggering body count. It was probably the darkest, most depressing, unredeemed, and disturbing movie I have ever seen.

Ok guys, I'm not trying to be legalistic but really! It was 2.5 hours of death, killing, and lying for a small redemption at the end. Maybe I'm crazy but it just was disturbing. What is the point of watching that? Its just so dark. I did not, nor did anyone in my group, leave the theatre feeling good about that movie. So I asked people why watch it...and they told me because of the redemption in the end. Batman takes the wrong on his shoulders even though he didn't do any wrong...wait a minute I think I've heard this story before.

Oh yeah you can read about it in the bible without wading through hours of darkness and needless brutality. 


- Sarah :-) said...

Interesting. I've heard a lot of different view-points on this movie, and my husband and I still havent' been able to decide whether or not we want to see it. Honestly - I think it's in part due to the fact that a man literally went crazy from ACTING... PRETENDING... in this movie. So... how can that bring anything good to our lives?

We still haven't decided... and it may stay that way!

BUT - Mummy 3? It's interesting... not NEARLY as dark as the Dark Knight seems to be, but also not like the other two Mummy movies. Still a good watch, though - it's still good times.

Malia Kell Photography said...

I saw it...and it kinda left me like...wait...what? and I honestly was in a weird mood the rest of the I'm never depressed... I think the main reason wasn't necessarily because of the intensity of the movie...but just because I (admittedly so) was a huge Heath Ledger fan...and seeing that movie was pretty much like hearing his last words to the world...the acting job itself I think on his part was pretty phenomenal...or rather, looking at it from a stand point of ability on his part...But that's just me bring a critic of acting...I admit...the movie should NOT be seen by children, even teens...But for me and my stand point of acting...I'm glad I saw it...

- Sarah :-) said...

Yes - Heather Ledger in that role showed his acting ability. And though I still haven't seen it, I'm pretty impressed by him, even in just the previews. He truly was great at what he did.

E. Chikeles said...

Seriously? The story in the Bible (if I remember right...) also had hours of darkness and needless brutality...

There were a lot of terrible things that are controversial its true but I personally liked it; especially how the people in the boat defied the psychological "lifeboat" thing and decided not to kill each other. There are good things... but you are entitled to your opinion.

E. Chikeles said...
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Melody said...
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KaiCeder said...

Oh my goodness! Children, do you remember what that wise philosopher Thumper said? "If you can't say something nice, don't say nottin at all!" Play nice, girls.

Love, Mom

Uriel said...

Gethsemane and Jesus' arrest and torture were pretty horrific & dark, plus the ear chopping and other ppl dying next to him, So I think there was even more hours of darkness and gore in the Gospels.

But, as far as a verdict on the movie, I can't give one not having seen it. For all I know you're center target on that one.